The module Scale is a special Agrosystems part with which you can report every incoming and outgoing withdrawals in your business base. The process can be more or less automated according the clients preferences and work method.

Automatization of the withdrawal decreases the possibility of making mistakes with the records and the possibility of manipulating the data. According the extent of automatization this module can reduce the need of having an employee whose work is connected to the scale and it provides you greater security and accuracy of the withdrawals.

Module Scale will make it easier for you to:

  • ·         Gather the production from the field;
  • ·         Record and discharge materials;
  • ·         Pay rentals in stock;
  • ·         Sales of the production as stock.

Module Scale helps you to:

  • Report incoming and outgoing withdrawals;
  • Import once data about pilots and machines with their tare;
  • Easily import data and bind the production withdrawal with a certain field and a machine with which the yield had been shipped;
  • You can automatically record the yield in the warehouse;
  • Prepare scale notes.


Module Scale advantages:

  • It works online in the firm inner or common network.
  • It is not necessary to maintain an environment that is suitable for computers near the scale – the system works distanced.
  • You can report withdrawals via computer or mobile phone.
  • You can directly record the yield in warehouse with certain prices;
  • Giving scale notes with full data about machines, yield weight, exact withdrawal time.
  • Setting yield indications – humidity, gluten, admixtures, etc.
  • Setting up to three values of every indicator for greater accuracy.
  • By the connection with the warehouse, the system allows easy invoicing of business transactions with the yield.


An operator can import the data in the system at the time of withdrawal or automatically by embedding readers and other devices.



It is not necessary to replace already bought technic – the application Scale can be connected with most of the mechanic and electronic scales and scale platforms. We install additional controller and software, implement the system and it is ready – you have automated system, which helps you to report incoming and outgoing freights.

цена на модул от софтуера за земеделие Агросистеми


Helpful with the processing of contracts, properties, property owners, documents, it accounts leases and tracks the payments. It generates the documents for the public administration.

Agronomist’s module

Agronomist’s module

A graphic system for processing fields (office application and mobile devices). With this module, you can plan the processing, to submit, track and report your tasks on-line.

Technology – cost price

Technology – cost price

A module about planning, reporting the processing and the input resources, harvested produce and its cost price.

Expert warehouse system

Expert warehouse system

A professional commercial and warehouse system. Purchases, sales, internal activities, stocks, invoices, payments and other documents.



A professional system for processing accounting documents, invoices, VAT, fixed assets…



A system for planning, tracking and managing the production of goods from agricultural yield – flour, fodder, seeds and other products.

Service – auto maintenance

Service – auto maintenance

A system for tracking the activities related to the use and maintenance of agricultural machines.



A system for electronic reporting of incoming and outgoing withdrawals of the production, materials, goods for rental and animals.

Livestock farm

Livestock farm

A system for managing the proccesess in a cattle ranch.

Management and business module

Management and business module

With this module you receive correct references and accurate analysis of the full information for your activities.

Module agricultural map

Module agricultural map

A graphic system for outlining and vizualization of the properties and fields with their full information, preparation for outlining the fields for proccessing.

Matrix module

Matrix module

This module is required and basic Agrosystems module. It connects the other modules into one unified system.

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