It grants you the opportunity to create an electronic register of contracts, properties and their owners. You can import all of the necessary contract attributes with data for the contract, properties and owners. Agrosystems allows you to import data. You can easily import data and contacts of the heirs and joint owners. You can record ideal parts and partially arable estates. You can scan and attach all the necessary documents to the contract.
With Agrosystems ®, you assemble and systematize the update information on one place. Quickly, easily and comfortably you can search and find data by concrete columns or track the history of properties and their owners. You can keep track on expiration of the contracts, to prepare and print documents. Simply clicking on a button, you can take out the necessary reports. You receive a trouble-free connection with the public administration and an automatic documents filling. The contract data is automatically reflected in every Agrosystem’s module and is visible immediately on the map. This data is useful when charging the rentals and in every other situation when you need a connection with documents.
You present the administrative authorities update declarations and reports by options for automatic filling of the forms – questionnaire agricultural producers, declarations on art. 69 and art. 70 from Rules for the Application of the Law on the Ownership and the Use of Agricultural Land. Easily preparation of diaries for chemical treatments. You can fill the inquire on art. 73 from Income Tax Act of Individuals by clicking on a button. VAT-declarations, diaries for purchases and sales are created automatically. Quickly and easily creating balance, Statement of income and expenses, Statement of equity, Statement of cash flow. Automatic creation of internal inquiry – analysis of the current state, prognosis of planning reports, etc. You submit information for arable fields with shape files that you have generated.